Dawn (253) 307-6438
Brandon (253) 732-0778
Here’s a Great Holiday Project you can do with your Family!
Here’s a great Holiday Project you can do with your Family!
It’s time to plan on crushing it for 2019! Both professionally and personally. Chances are during the next week you may have some down time with your family. If not, do this after the holidays settle down. It’s never too early to start involving your children in goal setting and having a vision board is one of the most engaging ways to go about doing this. I still have a vision board, I have things taped on the wall next to my desk at work and I see my goals every day and by visualizing these goals it makes it easier to realize those goals. Having something visual creates a strong emotional connection with our goals and therefore makes it more realist to achieve those goals. We are all visual people so by seeing something, it makes it more achievable. A vision board can be made up of not just photos, but your goals, dreams, ideas. Also, not just for business but also for your personal life because balance in life is key, so…put it all out there and see your dreams become a reality!
When our kids were growing up, we included them in on our goal planning. Every year we would plan out our goals and although we didn’t bore them with all the details, we at least wanted them to be a part of the project to help them get into the habit of goal setting.
Vision boards are a great and fun way to include your kids! Get a bunch of magazines, figure out where you want to take your family on a trip for 2019 or fun day trips or weekend trips! Then, have them start looking through magazines and cut out pictures that portray your goals and have the kids glue them on a vision board. It’s fun and it makes it real for the kids and also gives them something to look forward to. It’s also important to explain to your kids, the steps you as a family will have to take to reach these goals. Like, maybe you are used to taking the kids to fast food restaurants or Starbucks…things like that. So use this as a teaching moment and explain to them that in order to be able to afford to do these things on the vision board, we will have to cut certain things out of our budget. Keep the vision board where it is visible and spread some of these fun events out throughout the year so your kids can see how fun it is to plan, visualize and even sacrifice to achieve your goals and then when you take that first weekend trip or day activity really celebrate that with your kids so they get excited about the concept. I believe this is one of the greatest gifts you can give your children, especially in this day and age where everything is “right now”, not only does this teach them the valuable lesson of goal setting, but it teaches them patience and rewards their patience.
You can even get them in the spirit of saving their own hard earned allowance money, because if they save it, they can take some and spend it along your 2019 journey! Teaching your children to be savers is another one of the greatest gifts we can pass on. Involve your kids in every aspect of the family planning, and when they are adults they will thank you for these wonderful habits. Don’t forget to create a map of how you plan to get there, what steps do you need to take? What things in your budget can you cut out to help you save more?
One of the things that was on our vision board years ago was to buy a 2nd home, so we put that on our vision board and within a couple years we decided to just start looking. We ended up, of course, finding the perfect place, but how would we ever make it a reality? We sat down and went over our budget and could not believe how much money we were wasting on things that really didn’t matter in life. For example, we used to go to Starbucks every day. We added up how much that was costing us on a monthly basis and were mortified! So we started cutting things like that out of our budget and before we knew it, we realized that we really could afford to buy that 2nd home. What a great feeling that was to achieve one of our first major goals. This was about 15 years ago and I wish I had more time to tell you the rest of the journey but it’s been amazing! We are big believers in vision boards, give it a try. It’s fun, it keeps you focused and also keeps you from frivolously spending your money because you have an exciting goal to reach! All that hard work you are always doing, somehow seems more fun when you know you are working towards adding something special to your life…whatever that wonderful goal might be for you!
Create an exciting journey for you and your families 2019 plans and have a fun and exciting year achieving your goals!
#Visualize #Goals #Achieve #2019 #HeilbrunHomeTeam #VisionBoards
Dawn Heilbrun, Owner
The Heilbrun Home Team
John L. Scott – Pierce, King and Thurston Counties (and More)
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