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10 Ways to Clean with Lemons!

With Spring officially here, we have a natural and good smelling way of cleaning your home!! Lemons!!

10 Ways to Use Lemons for Cleaning


  1. Freshen Your Garbage Disposal – After having all that junk being ground up in your garbage disposal, chances are it will start to stink. Put a quarter of a sliced up lemon in the disposal, run some hot water, and flip on the disposal switch. Now your kitchen will smell lemony and refreshing!
  2. Wash Your Dishes – Got greasy dishes? Get rid of the grease by adding 1 tsp of lemon juice to your detergent and watch that grease disappear as you scrub!
  3. Brighten Your Whites – Does your family have some whites that need to be brightened up a little bit? Whiten your white laundry naturally with lemon juice! Add ½ lemon juice to the rinse cycle of a regular sized load of white or “bleach safe” clothes.
  4. Clean Coffee/Tea Pots – Your coffee and tea pots naturally just build us daily minerals from being used… So how do you get rid of these build ups? Use slices of lemons! Boil them in the pot and let sit for 1-2 hours. Then rinse out. No more build up!
  5. Polish Metal Pots and Faucets – Dip half of a lemon in salt, scrub away, and watch it SPARKLE! Try to steer clear of anything brass plated though.
  6. Natural Oven Spray – Get away from those toxic chemical oven cleaners that make your whole house stink! Let’s go the natural way. Mix together some lemon juice, water, and baking soda into a gel like paste. Coat the inside of the oven with this paste and let sit for 20 minutes. Rinse well and there you go! You got a clean, nice smelling oven.
  7. Polish Furniture – Mix a pint of mineral oil with one tablespoon lemon juice. Pour into a spray bottle and spray away. Wipe down what you sprayed and no more grim or hand prints!
  8. Toilet Bowl Spray – Put ½ lemon juice in the toilet bowl and sprinkle some baking soda around the bowl evenly. Let sit for 15 minutes and then scrub all of the bowl and flush!
  9. Sanitize Your Microwave – Slice up a lemon and drop into a bowl of water. Microwave the bowl on high for 1 minute. Wipe down the inside of the microwave as soon as the minute is over. Squeaky Clean!
  10. Wash Windows – Say goodbye to streaks! Get rid of grim and hand prints on your windows with 2 tablespoons lemon juice, ½ cup white vinegar, and 1 quart of warm water. Wash down and dry!

Let us know if you try any of these tricks for cleaning!

Happy Spring from The Heilbrun Team!


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