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Gardening Season is upon us!

Gardening Season is upon us!

Gardening Season is upon us!

February is a tough month! We’re on the verge of winter being over, but it’s not quite Spring. Everything is dead looking from the winter months and you are anxious to get your home looking presentable. One shining star are those nice bulbs you planted last year popping their little heads out, I just love that! The weather isn’t always the best either which makes February the toughest month for gardening. Here are a few tips to give you a heads start on your Spring gardening plans for your yard:

1) Take down some notes as to what your yard looks like in the winter and plan ahead so that next season you can plant a few new ones that can add some character to your yard in those dreary winter months.

2) Get organized by figuring out your seed and plant orders

3) Apply dormant oil fruit spray to your plants

4) Trim back any branches that were damaged by those lifeless winter months

5) Keep an eye on houseplant pests

6) Harvest winter crops before they bolt

7) Get your garden tools in order and your mower back in shape

8) Start to rejuvenate annual flower beds

9) Start planting seeds of cool season vegetables and flowers

10) Check evergreens for signs of dehydration

11) Rejuvenate holly bushes with a hard pruning

12) Cut some branches for forcing indoors

13) Prune trees and shrubs, both ornamentals and fruit

14) Use an acid type rhododendron fertilizer to feed evergreens, conifers, rhododendrons, azaleas & camellias

15) Use an all-purpose fertilizer to feed roses and other deciduous trees and shrubs. If using dry type fertilizers, water it thoroughly

16) Check outside trees and plants for animal damage

17) Check flower beds for plants that may have died over the winter and remove

18) Replace mulch as needed

Enjoy yourselves as we enter gardening season!

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