Dawn (253) 307-6438
Brandon (253) 732-0778

The Makeup of the Middle Class Neighborhoods

The Makeup of the Middle Class Neighborhoods

What Forces Shape Middle Class Neighborhoods? What Metropolitan areas are most inhabited by the middle class? How concentrated are the Middle Class Neighborhoods and how have they changed since the year 2000?

The middle class is defined as the middle of the three income categories in the United States. Metropolitan areas with manufacturing centers, military sectors and Mormon communities seem to have the highest concentration of middle class households. Another characteristic is that the makeup tends to have a lot of construction and administration jobs.

Middle class neighborhoods tend to be more in suburbs, they don’t tend to have those luxury oversized neighborhoods. It is true that small and mid-sized areas have the most middle class communities but most middle class people can be found in larger cities.

Since the beginning of the millennium studies have shown fluctuation in the middle class which is due to a unilateral increase in higher incomes. The areas previously mentioned in smaller areas have also shown a decrease in the middle class as compared to the larger metropolitan areas.

In the South the middle-class households since 2000 has increased substantially and yet has fallen in the Northeast as well as the West coast in general. There are also a few communities in the Midwest where the middle class percentage has decreased. The areas where the middle-class has grown tends to be in the newer Metro areas that have a uniqueness to them.

The lowest percentage of middle class families tends to be in college towns, which makes sense, but also in the tech communities which I found a little surprising but they end up falling into the upper-middle class sector. College towns are split in two with your struggling college kids and your upper-middle class professors.

So there you have it! We should feel real good about the Washington State area for middle class. We have a strong economy, a good mix of jobs, military bases nearby, tech companies, manufacturing, great schools and colleges so a very good mix which makes for a great economy and a great time to buy a home.

If you are looking for real estate in Washington State or for any state for that matter, the Heilbrun Home Team can help you. We have referral partners in every state in the US as well as overseas. Only 15 % of companies that apply to be in our referral network are able to join because of the extreme vetting that we do. You can list and sell with confidence with the Heilbrun Home Team at John L. Scott, Orting.

#GreatEconomy #MiddleClass #HeilbrunHomeTeam #FindHouses

Dawn Heilbrun, Owner

The Heilbrun Home Team

John L. Scott – Pierce, King and Thurston Counties (and More)





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